20 Best Photos of 2018 by Dazed

Even in the darkest of circumstances, humanity and joy can pierce through. The best photographers remind us of this – earlier this year, that’s exactly what renowned war photographer Giles Duley did with his new series Faces of War, published on Dazed in collaboration with Save the Children. Each photo in the series shows the children who are bravely, unjustly living through terror in Ukraine, Iraq, and in the Ogumo refugee camp in Uganda. The latter, where this photo was taken, is a reminder that children are still children, even when faced with unspeakable hardship.

As Duley wrote in Dazed, “Life is tough in the camp, with the baking heat, the dry, dust-filled air, and the lack of food – and hope of returning home fades by the day. For Josephine, the opportunities for furthering her education are limited. When I ask her how she copes, she just shrugs her shoulders. When I ask her how it is being a girl in the camp, she replies, ‘It’s fine being a girl. We are stronger.’” (Aimee Cliff)

20 Best Photos of 2018 by Dazed

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